Conway Daycare, LLC
Conway Daycare, LLC

Our Infant-Waddler Program
6 weeks - 12 months
Our Infant-Waddler Program
6 weeks - 12 months
The infant program emphasizes a nurturing environment, introducing babies to healthy social and emotional interaction, language acquisition, body awareness, and motor control. The center believes each infant has his or her own schedule. Therefore, our infant program is designed around this concept. The day includes napping, eating, quiet play, activity time, and outside time.
A trusted caregiver provides changing, feeding, cuddling, and nurturing. An early childhood professional will plan an educationally sound group experience. By combining a family-type experience and a group experience, the child will have the best of both worlds.
The curriculum of an infant program includes providing infants with a wide variety of activities and experiences that will enable them to develop new skills and learn more about their world. An infant program is more than the children in the program and the people who provide the care for those children. It is the place where adults set up an environment for young human beings to grow and develop in their own way and in their own time.
Our infant program is designed around the physical, emotional, social, and educational needs of children. Given the diversity in ages, the children each have different developmental needs that are considered when setting up and planning activities for them.

Our Goals
Our Goals
Plays simple games like peekaboo
Communicates through gestures and looks
Can stand up and walk using assistance
Can pick up small objects
Sleeps through the night
Can copy actions
Helps dress themselves
Uses both hand and legs equally well
Smiles, laughs, cries
Likes being around family & friends
Shows interest in objects, people, & food
Learning Stations
Learning Stations
Each station is designed to enrich each of the 6 developmental indicators: Approaches to Play and Learning, Emotional & Social Development, Health and Physical Development, Language Development and Communication, Mathematical Thinking and Expression, Cognitive Development
Each station is designed to enrich each of the 6 developmental indicators: Approaches to Play and Learning, Emotional & Social Development, Health and Physical Development, Language Development and Communication, Mathematical Thinking and Expression, Cognitive Development

Babies are continually trying to fathom the workings of toys and objects as they play with them and change them in some way. In addition, toys that are rich in a variety of textures, shapes, sizes, sounds, weights, and colors can be exciting for infants. For this reason, our center provides a large variety of manipulative toys to help your child gain further knowledge through new experiences.
Babies love rattles. They use long, round, shining, hard, squeezable, noisy, or musical rattles for looking, listening, grasping, chewing, banging, shaking, and so on. This helps infants gain physical mastery with manipulative materials and also provides them with additional sensory stimulation and perceptual experiences.

This area of the room might contain mobiles, objects suspended on yarn and playthings attached to the wall. Through successful reaching, the infant can then bring other aspects of their environment under control; expand his/her exploration of playthings; and spend small periods of time involved independently in play activities.
Listening & Talking
Listening & Talking
In order to learn to talk, a baby has to have other people talk to him/her. Babies learn to talk by listening, copying, and slowly making their own sounds into words that can be understood. At the same time a baby is learning to talk out loud, he/she is also learning to think with words. This silent use of words is just as important as talking out loud because it will help him/her think and remember throughout his/her life.

Physical Development
Physical Development
Babies like to be active and move whenever they get the chance. As their large muscles grow stronger, they learn to hold up their heads, roll over, reach, sit up, crawl, and walk. They also learn to use their small muscles to grab and let things go, pick up tiny things with their fingers, hold a thing in both hands at the same time, and get their hands to work together.
Creative Development
Creative Development
Babies enjoy music, art, block play, and dramatic play. Music is one of the first ways a caregiver and baby can listen and talk to each other. Moving to music seems a natural way to show love to babies. To hold a baby and move back and forth with him/her is relaxing for the baby. Songs help babies fall asleep or surprise them into laughter. Both art and block activities help babies learn what they can do by themselves. Art begins for babies as they watch brightly colored mobiles or raise their heads to see the pictures you put up. They learn more about art as they have chances to make things change around time. Making a brightly colored ribbon tied to their wrist flutter in the air, crumpling a piece of tissue paper, or making a mark with a crayon are baby art activities. Ideas for block building begin as babies find out how blocks look, feel, stack, and fall. Babies can start to take part in dramatic play as they use toy dishes, dolls, hats, and toy animals. Make believe is a safe way for children to explore their feelings and ideas.